All Employee Email

Every Winona State employee has access to send an email to all other employees (faculty, staff, administrators) using their individual employee email account.

  • Use the BCC field to address the email to "". (Please note the email address does not auto-populate. You will need to type it in manually.) The BCC address field must be used when sending an email to all other WSU employees.
  • Please include information on the sending audience by appending a note: "This email is being shared BCC to All Employees."
  • The recommended limit is two emails per event or announcement.
  • Because of security concerns and mailbox size limitations, attachments are discouraged. Links to more information online are encouraged.

See also: How to Write a Good Subject Line


All University and AllStudent Emails

The AllUniversity and AllStudent emails are reserved for critical university communications that are pertinent to all members of the Winona State community (faculty, staff and students), including severe weather notices and other communications related to health and safety.